Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dark Side

                The radio turns to 931 AM, it’s 12 o’clock, midnight, and from the speaker sounds a loud, lonesome howl. The radio bump announces the start of the popular show “Night Watch” with the sensuous host The Night Mistress. After a bit of music a deep female voice purrs from the speaker.

Lenor: Good evening my lovers, what dark little things have you been getting up to since we last spoke? Me you ask? Well how kind of you to think enough about me to ask. I’ve been out, in the darkest hours of the night, searching for The Demon of Mariposa. Mariposa California, what a lovely little town. Everyone was in bed by ten, giving me plenty of room to search for my prey. And do you know what I found, my lovers? A rabid coyote, on it’s last leg. It was actually rather sad, the local law enforcement put it out of it’s misery. So, thank you Ryan, of Northern California, but there is no Demon of Mariposa.
Now, onto the supernatural news; it seems there have been sightings of werewolves right in the middle of Chicago! I might have to make a trip out to the Windy City to see if I can dig around and find something.
Ah, it looks as if I have a few callers on hold. Hello, you’re on Night Watch, have you seen any creepy crawlies out there?
Caller: Yeah, uh, well I don’t know what I’ve seen, it’s big and harry, could it be Big Foot?
Lenor: *There is a soft chuckle* Big foot, my love? Well, did you hear anything?
Caller: Ah, well it sort of roared, or coughed…I’m not sure. See my buddies and I were camping and we see this big naked, harry thing, it was right when the sun was going down, so we couldn’t see very well. We were up Mount Nebo in Utah. So, what do you think?
Lenor: My dear caller, I know exactly what happened, there is a man who lives near these mountain ranges, he likes to go up and run around in the nude to scare campers. I’m afraid this wasn’t Big Foot. Hello next caller, you’re on Night Watch..
Caller: Yes I have a problem, I think it’s a vampire. This guy, he jumped out of nowhere and tried to bite me…

Calls like this go on for some time, most are silly, people who just want a little fame, who think they may have discovered something amazing, when it turns out to be nothing. It gets to the end of the show when Lenor takes one more call.

Lenor: Hello my lover, you’re on Night Watch, speak your mind.
Caller: Hello Night Mistress. *This is a very sensual male voice, it makes Lenor squirm in her seat a bit* I have been very naughty. Do you like to be naughty? Do you enjoy giving in to your darkside, Night Mistress?
Lenor: *Feeling a little hot under the collar* Oh my, dear lover, that is quite an interesting question. Why yes, I suppose I do, we all have our dark sides, some much more than others. Tell me lover, what is it that you’ve done?
Caller: He he he, oh my dear Night Mistress, if only I could show you. If only you could understand what it truly means to give in. To feel the beast rise up and claw you down into it’s maw. To feel the hunger upon you. I’m hungry, Night Mistress, I’m hungry for you.
Lenor: *Now breathless, her voice takes on a sexual tone* Mmm, And I assure you, my lover, I am very tasty. I want to give in, I do, though I suppose I couldn’t. You see, there is this annoying little thing that nags at me In the back of the head, it tells me to be careful, it tells me that giving in would only hurt me in the end.
Caller: No, Night Mistress, I would not hurt you. I promise, you could give in to me any time and I would only give you happiness.
Lenor: Perhaps I’ll take you up on that, my lover. You’re welcome to send me your information via the website.
Caller: Yes Night Mistress, I will do that. Good bye, for now..

The call ends with a deep guttural growl, those listening would probably think she hit some kind of button to make the sound.

Lenor: Well my lovers, this concludes yet another installment of Night Watch, this is your ever curious host, the Night Mistress. I bid all of you a very good evening.

Lenor leaves that night, feeling a bit shaken, she doesn’t understand where the growling sound had come from, but it sounded as if it was right in her ear. She makes her way home. Dressed in gothic attire; her red hair hangs down to the small of her back. Lenor is a true beauty, coupled with her sex operator-voice, she can bring near anyone down to their knees should she wish it. Despite all of this, Lenor is a modest and moral kind of girl. She likes to dance around the idea of promiscuity, of getting drunk or high and just screwing any guy or girl that comes along. She has her dark fantasies, she even has an unhealthy obsession with vampires, but she keeps herself safe by ignoring, or fighting these urges.
When she enters her apartment she can tell that she’s not alone, she can feel eyes upon her, smell the scent of a man. She takes a look around as she closes the door, frowning a bit, she doesn’t see anyone, but she can feel him. With a gulp she walks through the living room, heading back for her bed room, that’s when strong hands grab her arms, she looks up into the pale face of her attacker and gasps.

The man is striking, his hair spiked, black with white tips, his face is strong and handsome, his eyes, her heart leaps, glowing an evil red. He grins to reveal a pair of very sharp, long, and real looking fangs. She struggles, though it’s like trying to move steal. She feels a sense of dread, this man is going to kill her, she’s gotten too close to the truth, so he’s here to….
He laughs deep in his throat and moves her around to toss her onto the bed. After she lands she scrambles to find her gun in her bedside table drawer. He watches her with growing amusement, and hunger, “Stop, Night Mistress, there is no fighting this. I asked you before, don’t you want to give in to your dark side?” She stares, wide eyed, at the man and gives a slight nod. Shit.   
Some hours later, as the police scan Lenor’s apartment, they find no trace of a break in, or a struggle, nothing to indicate that anything had gone wrong in this small home. And yet the other residents claim to have heard Lenor screaming and crying, begging for mercy. None of them tried to help, when they heard her screaming in the hall way, they tried to ignore it, frightened for their own lives. Some called the cops, but it was already too late…Lenor gave in to the beast and became his…forever.

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